Friday, September 2, 2011

To my sister

I miss her

My younger sis, Timbuktu; Timby for shorts just left home for school after a long summer. Actually, she always has to leave but I think this time is different because during this summer break, we went through a great bonding process. You know, often times, when two people go through difficult times together, they tend to come out of it with a stronger bond than before. Well, I can quite infer that we went through that process and that left us with more respect and love for each other.

Okay, so she leaves for school and I begin to feel extremely miserable. Its needless to say that my feeling of misery came not only from the physical separation but also the deplorable state in which she usually leaves the room when she has to leave home. I had so much fear to go back to the house after dropping her at the airport that I decided to stay at Sunshine’s (my innocent pleasure bf) job instead. Finally as dusk settled, he suggested in the sweetest tone, “Baby, do u want me to drop u off now? Or…” for fear of sounding like he does not want me around, he lets the sentence trail off. I just resigned to fate and said, “Yes”.

I lingered in the passageway before turning the doorknob. I finally did and voila!!!, the room was clean. I then realized that for the first time in forever, Timby tried to make the room as sane as she could manage. I walked in with an insane expectation to see her laptop on the bed, one misplaced leg of her just taken off shoes, her top on the shoe rack or even her royal self strutting into the room with a mischievous grin on her face. However, I wasn’t so lucky. I met the emptiness that we both left earlier in the day and for the first time in my life; I wish she had left the room in a mess. If she had, I would have had something to spend my time doing.

I managed to clear up the little mess and I just lay on the bed. It was then that loneliness and boredom strolled in, sat by my bedside and began to murmur in my ears. Tears dropped from my eyes, as never before have I missed my sister so. I looked around several times over and began to replay the summer holidays and all sorts of things we got into. The ridiculous thing about how I felt is the fact that my bro and my dad were home, yet I felt like I was not just alone at home, but in the world…

Incase Timby gets to read this, “I miss u like crazy. Even in those days when u r so incorrigible and downright annoying, I love u still. I probably did not realize how much love I have for you until now. However, I will not let an opportunity slide off to tell u that I really love u my sister.


  1. Timby got to read this and you cannot imagine how she felt on reading it. I love u too sis! and can't wait to be back (even though we spend most of the time together fighting!)

  2. Awwww!, I love this post. I love my sis too but I'll be leaving home next month. I hope she doesn't miss me too much.
    Btw, nice blog...following

    Mine'z at

  3. t'aime beaucoup
    @Misspweddyface...thanks honeyz..i shall follow asap
