Sunday, August 28, 2011



Often and often have I tried to have my own blog but I haven’t recorded much success. I made an attempt about 8 months ago and posted some random stuff. In recent days, I have been extremely bored and depressed about my boring life. In actual sense, im a very interesting person in my head; on the other hand, im not sure I can infuse my comic self into my writing. This has caused a heavy dose of discouragement for me.

Being one who never really gives up, I have decided to start all o’er again and even keep up this time. The randomness of my writing right now is the randomness of my thoughts so please bear wit me if between giving you a juicy gist, I go off on a randomlynotconnecting trail of thoughts.

Right now, there isn’t much to tell u guys about besides my new determination to be a proficient blogger…hmmm. Yh. That’s it...OMG im even shy behind my laptop. Ok den bye


  1.'s a toast to "proficient bloggery"....I could do with some determination too...welcome back

  2. thank u my fellow lagging behind blogger...honeydame
