I am real sorry that I have barely even started before playing out a major truancy on my blog. Reasons for this misdemeanor are:
1. Im in my junior year in college and the workload is getting exceptionally back breaking
2. I have a major flaw of procrastinating…(pls make it a prayer point for me)
3. I have decided to allow this excuses to rob me of a good blogging experience…sad
Well, well, well, to the basics. Hw have my blogville family members been?... I was going through a recent edition of an Ebony magazine when I came across the article on open relationships and various points of view on it. To say Im bewildered by the recent trends of atrocities in marriages is to say the least. I believe the proprieties of marriage have been seriously compromised. I cannot for the life of me understand how two people who are supposed to be exclusive partners find it quite acceptable to sleep with other people and still consider their relationship exclusive.
I can understand helping my partner to actually come to terms with his sexual orientation if I begin to suspect the brova of being on the down low, I can imagine breaking a pan on his head for sleeping with another sister, but actually consenting to such a relationship while I philander away on my own side is beyond me. Okay, what is the point of the marriage?
Various excuses have come up for this poor arrangement:
1. To avoid divorce…duhhhhh
2. Each partner is not the prettiest nor the best… for realz?????
3. …and many more sorry excuses.
Whether I susbscribe to this or not is not an issue. I just think these educated and enlightened folks are really slow for all they think they know. Come on, my ancestors have opened up relationships tey tey. Many Africans have tales of grandparents and various step grandparents. Nonmonogamy has worked then for lack of ignorance as these people said. They felt those African folks were barbaric hence the ability to sustain more than a wife to man. It is however quite interesting that they have decided to garnish the same practise of “POLY”gamy and the other polies and name them Open relationships. In a society where sexual orientation is no longer certified by gender, how much more danger are we ready to accept? If there is an open relationship, then the institution of marriage is crumbled. The future of many other institutions also face extinction. How open are we to this new trend of “openness”….
Have a funfilled week everyone