This has absolutely nothing to do with the Tyler Perry movie. It is a more realistic case and mcyriussly bothered about it. It is about the selfishness of men. MEN! Yes MEN!!!. Mind you, i'm not against that specie or creature as one might refer to them but mcyriussly worried about the darn things they do. If a man is selfish with his money, that is understandable because he worked for it. However, when a man becomes selfish with his God given abilities, then that becomes an issue for public concern.
Not to beat too much around the bush (so i dnt get lost), Men are so selfish. When a man and a woman are in the bedroom, doing that thin....gggg, both parties are entitled to full satisfaction and a "cum" to fulfillment.No jokes right now and this is not one of those talks. this is more serious than preparing to talk to the kids about the act. The trend goes thus; he touches are where he wants to, makes her touch him where he wants to and when he groans, and den c**s, the act is over. What then happens to the woman?????...she resorts to various devices ranging from dildo to vibrations from the washing machine.
Now the issue is this, if the women can get their own via various devices, why then involve these male folk???#justasking. Women can do bad all by themselves.Maybe when these men know that much, they'ld stop acting indispensable and try to SATISFY their women
P.S there are a few good me mcyriuss